With over 120 missions under the teams’ belt and core smallsat technologies developed in-house, NanoAvionics is a go-to expert taking care of every smallsat mission-related aspect on the ground, at the launch site, and in space.
NanoAvionics is a leading manufacturer of cost-efficient and highly reliable nanosatellite (6U / 8U/ 12U / 16U) and microsatellite (up to 220kg) buses that have performed a wide range of missions, including remote sensing, advanced communications, and fundamental research, since the inception of the company.
The company implements the latest technological developments to ensure the practical reliability of its spacecraft. Critical satellite systems such as the Flight Computer, Payload Controller, Electric Power System, and all others are 20krad radiation-tolerant and redundant satellite architecture is available as an option.
NanoAvionics offers complete satellite operation solutions tailored to customer needs. Dozens of satellites launched over the years have been operated by NanoAvionics Satellite Mission Control Center and its experienced team.
Your constellation's first steps in space begin with a few steps taken on Earth first. When you fill in this brief form, NanoAvionics business representatives will contact you regarding your mission questionnaire and answer your immediate questions.