NanoAvionics Has Signed the Turnkey Mission Contract with Argentinian Customer to Supply its Earth Observation Demonstration Mission - NanoAvionics

NanoAvionics Has Signed the Turnkey Mission Contract with Argentinian Customer to Supply its Earth Observation Demonstration Mission

Press releases
  • Vaida Karaliunaite
  • 2017-08-25

NanoAvionics has signed the turnkey mission contract with Rupercorp S.A. based in Argentina to supply its Earth Observation (EO) demonstration mission with a 2U CubeSat as a precursor for a succeeding constellation. The CubeSat will be launched during the first half of 2018. The mission is regarded as a technology demonstration for the commercial constellation, based on NanoAvionics M6P platform with “green” chemical propulsion system EPSS C1K, to be launched starting in late 2019.

For the scope of this project, NanoAvionics provides a 2U platform containing advanced ADCS system along with a critical payload systems to be tested using CubeSat bus, which was flight proven during LituanicaSAT-2 mission. The company is also responsible for the mission software and payload integration, testing and qualification in its new facilities.

The purpose of the demonstrator is to take initial low-resolution sample pictures of agricultural activities over certain territories; hence the satellite tasking is one of the most critical functions of the mission.  The remote-sensing imagery gathered by subsequent constellation will have a wide range of uses – from agriculture management, crops health monitoring to tracking biodiversity trends in certain areas.

NanoAvionics is actively contributing to the diversification of SmallSat commercial applications by providing products and services for tests and full-scale missions including the launch and later operations in orbit. The company was chosen as a supplier for this mission due to their remarkable combination of flight-proven functionality and reliability, remote ground station systems, payload customization capabilities, and cost-efficiency in the SmallSat market.