- 2018-10-10
For Nano-Satellite missions, the software is like the glue which holds all the subsystems together and ensures that they effectively communicate with each other as well as mission control center. The development of M6P nano-satellite buse‘s software is happening entirely in-house, involves rigorous and complex processes, collaboration with all technical departments and testing the code in simulated and of course real life environment by uploading the code to a fully functioning satellite in orbit.
NanoAvionics clients‘ needs are at the center of innovations and we are glad to offer remote software testing opportunity for each client who is in the process of payload development. Every client project has a dedicated FlatSat of M6P satellite bus and a client can connect to it and do the tests from a convenient location, in real time, and get advices from our developers. Any latest software improvements made by NanoAvionics team immediately appear in all FlatSats to enable clients working with the latest cutting-edge technologies.
The user interface of M6P is built with user-friendliness in mind – that any client without deep technical knowledge could operate satellite with a set of high-level commands.
And last, but not the least, our software development team is proud to have a fully integrated Continuous Integration system into their development process – a practice that merges all latest code versions several times a day whenever any changes are made. Each check-in is then verified by an automated build ant tests suite, allowing the team to detect problems early. The system is like an invisible colleague doing code checks 24/7!